Sep 24, 2018
Warning to everyone who might be listening with littles or in the open air: There is some adult language and few f-bombs this week. You are warned. This week on the podcast is a rare treat: I interview my mom! What I thought would be a discussion about how to parent a dreamer--someone who eventually ends up working at...
Sep 18, 2018
This week's podcast is a quickie because I bit off more than I could chew this week. I began not one, but three challenges to kick myself into high gear: the Fundraising Intensive, a fitness challenge at my gym, and the "Be Seen" challenge with Jenn Scalia. In this episode, I share a quick outline for opening...
Sep 11, 2018
Using Shawn Achor's "The Happiness Advantage" as a jumping-off point, this week I talk about how and why you might want to put the FUN back in your fundraising efforts. This week's links are: Accountabilibuddies...
Sep 3, 2018
Something that will be on your radar soon if it isn't already is year-end fundraising. This week I'm sharing more tips on how to get yourself ready for the big year-end push, why it's important to your organization, and a quick event fundraising tip to add a few extra dollars to your bottom line. Links below....