Jun 25, 2019
This week's summer rerun is a look at suffocating negativity. For me and my board, especially this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in the stress of the moment and go really negative. This week's episode will help all of us avoid that trap!
Jun 17, 2019
This week's summer rerun is a look back at personality profiling. This is by far the most downloaded episode of my 95-episode streak, so clearly people resonate with the information. When you're done listening to this, pick up a copy of Gretchen Rubin's "The Four Tendencies." It is the perfect accompaniment to this...
Jun 10, 2019
If you are a Patreon supporter, you already know that I lost my voice this past week. As you can tell, it's really bad, so I'm turning to my backup host for the intro and outro. This week's topic covers many of the things you need to be aware of in the interview process. It's a mashup of summer rerun and new...
Jun 4, 2019
This week is our first week of "summer reruns" so I wanted to start with my most popular episode: Tools. I've taken the original "Tools" episode and a "Tools 2" episode and edited them together. I hope this brings you value!