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Thank you for being part of the Virtual Executive Director / Labyrinth / Relentlessly Human Tour experience. I love and appreciate everyone who has listened, downloaded, reviewed, supported through Patreon, and shared their talent with me on the mic.

Now that the podcast has come to an end, please enjoy listening to the archives. I created a timeless podcast of nonprofit leadership, operations, and fundraising tips, as well as interviews with artists and healers. 

If you would like to get in touch with me, feel free to email becky [at] I'm available for coaching and consulting for purpose-driven leaders, and I'd love to hear from you!

Apr 6, 2020

In last week's episode, Jen Moff and I talked about the opportunities and lessons available to us now during this time of COVID-19. In an effort to learn something from all this, I took a look at my own situation and asked myself, "What is no longer working for me?"

I also asked this question of my colleagues in the...

Mar 10, 2020

Support the podcast on Patreon
Inspired by conversations inside the Executive Director Mastermind group, this week's episode explains what executive coaching is, suggests one way to carve out self-care time throughout your day, and discusses what to do in the face of...

Sep 3, 2019

This week's podcast is a compilation of all the "Two-Minute Mini" episodes that I have posted so far on Patreon, exclusively for Patreon supporters of the podcast. 

Before I officially start my third season of the VED podcast, I thought it would be fun (now that Patreon supporters have already heard them) to share these...

Sep 2, 2019

This is the last summer rerun of the year--thank you for sticking with me throughout this season and for indulging me in re-running some of my favorite episodes. In honor of September being the new January, here is one of my earliest episodes (ep. 3)about how to set goals for your organization in this new season.


Sep 2, 2019

In anticipation of the Virginia Commission for the Arts event, Town Hall for the Arts, I'm rerunning the conversation I had in the spring with Dirk Moore of Emory & Henry College on the arts and economic development. I'm excited to follow this up in a few weeks with insights from the live Town Hall, so be sure to...