Apr 23, 2019
On this week's episode, I'm sharing the audio from a radio appearance on WEHC, Emory & Henry College's station, where I got to talk with my pal, Dirk Moore, about the arts, economic development, tourism, and a bunch of other nonprofitly nerdy topics. The calculator that I mention in this episode can be found at http://bit.ly/artscalc. If you run a nonprofit arts org, I hope this episode helps you make your case to whoever needs to hear it. The arts are an important industry for many reasons, and I'm tired of it being treated as disposable. ___ Thank you to YOU -- our listeners who support us at Patreon.com/virtualexecutivedirector. Your monthly donation means the world to me and helps keep us "on the air." If you haven't become a Patreon supporter yet, please click the link and join us.